Trade Blanket
Handwoven and pieced, wool, cotton, horsehair, human hair, silk handkerchiefs, thread, cotton trim (8’ x 7.5’)

TB (detail)

Singing Bowl
Singing Bowl
Handwoven wool, cotton, silk (48″ x 60″)
Private Collection/ in situ

Stars & Stripes
Handwoven wool and cotton, Mexican serape, ink, wax, print on board

Color Bodies
Handwoven linen, wool, silk mounted on linen/ (45” x 55”) unmounted
Collection of AC Hotel, Portland, Oregon
Commissioned by Arthouse, LLC and Heidi McBride & Company for AC Hotel/Mortenson
Info: approved and referencing The Portland MercuryVol 15, No 25, November, 2014 cover art, crumpled and duplicated. Installation: Entry level floor overlooking the bar AC Hotel Portland

Color Bodies analog weave in progress

Paper Towel
Handwoven linen, wool, cotton, horsehair, correction fluid (66” x 89”) (Private Collection)
(info: a mass produced throw away item reimagined as a one-of-a-kind luxury object)

Paper Towel (detail)

handwoven wool, cotton, silk, reflective glass thread, deconstructed woman’s sari, child’s Disney sleeping bag, scarves, silk stained with onion skins and berries, mason twine, survivalist’s twine, nylon rope, Kevlar, glass beads, trim. (112 x 94 x 1.5”)

Concubine (detail)

Concubine (reverse side)

Handwoven wool, silk, cotton (7’ x 3.5’)
Collection of the Valley Public Library, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Info: installation: Oregon State University Valley Library, Archives & Collections Room; 5th floor

Crease (detail)

Handwoven wool, silk, cotton (7’ x 3.5’)
Collection of Chemeketa Community College, Salem, Oregon
Info: Installation: Chemeketa College Library, Main Lobby Desk

Handwoven wool, cotton, rayon (13.5’ x 5’)
Collection of the Hamersly Library, Western Oregon University, Monmouth, Oregon
Commissioned by Oregon Arts Commission % for Pubic Art program
Info: installation: Western Oregon University Hamersly Library. Main Floor Stairway